My setup
ok so

Well, i can go a bit into detail on how my desk looks- But it is usually..messy

(also the reason why I am not placing a picture of it rn)

My 'recording' studio is pretty much a 700€ Desktop PC with a small mic- but its okay. It's usuable and comfortable for most tasks such as EDITING/RECORDING. Since it's my most time-invested hobby. I do keep a couple old cameras, just in cast for any ideas/projects/retro Demos

Also I keep a glass vase for snacks (at the other side of my monitor so the camera won't show it completely. :/ )

My peripherals:

15€ Earphones from a Local Tech Store x 3

I have had each get f*cked in a month-max

RGB Condenser Microphone

From the 'Temu' Video

Unpopular Element Slim 100% keyboard (No RGB)

PS. I love it and have it since 2016, no arguments

ASUS 1080p 60hz monitor

I do also have a tablet at the sidethat basically noone from my family uses. I use it as a second monitor at times


GPU: NVidia GTX1650
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600 6Core
RAM: 8 gb DDR4
Motherboard: Gigabyte DS3H

Other fun facts:

Premiere Pro was the one that is slowly killing my Computer, so I decided to go to Davinci Resolve.

I'll miss you grandpa Adobe Engine.. I will....