This whole blogging thing might become an obsession, regardless coding this site and blogging feels really comfortable now.
Just used to the whole environment probably.
•So, today's Sunday - just saying.
And I got to work on some chores from around 9:30AM to 1PM.
I did also go for a night run at around 9 till 11:30. It felt pretty nice, got a little alone-time.
I honestly would be kind of concerned of posting my routine and stuff, however I ain't that special. Different, sure- But not special in any way.
•Oct 22nd 2024:
Hello.. You
It's been a while, I am not really in the vibe for a recording today. I technically forgot to re-record a planned video. Regardless..
•Today's Tuesday.
We got a new 3D Printer in our school, new in(Monitor)-built computers.
And so yeah, I do have some stuff that I wanna try out printing.
Truth is, today was tiring. I literally layed down at 2~PM after eating,
ate a few cookies and choco milk - then just blacked out until 7:45PM.
Pretty much, a harsh day for me, I usually am more energized. Today I guess that downfall lured onto me.
•Oct 25th 2024:
Tiring day
Ayoo, today we did a school 'play', more like a list of songs/dances/singing and presentation. However I did actually have a technical role, just keeping people away from the 'studio'-box where all the audio and video gets inserted and figured.
•Today's Friday.
Nothing really special, it was just really exhausting. I AM editing a SirJim video, so that's cool.
Something about among us and cooking..??
Idk, anyway- Gotta go finish up editing!
•Oct 26th 2024:
Weekend, finally
Going around a cycle of routines is unbearable at times, but I got through this!
So today I have to actually do the 'SirJim' video and my one of my own.
•Today's Saturday.
Got work to do, hobbies to occupy myself with and snacks I need to get rid of since I am going on a calorie deficit soon.
•Oct 28th 2024:
I just finished the video for Jim, now I'm gonna do the thumbnail for it.
But I just wanted to come over here and say that I've started feeling better..
I know it's really vague, truth is that I've been having problems with my own self.
Obviously, I don't talk about it to anyone. Noone to trust, you'know?
Point is that, there is improvement regardless of the stress.
•Today's Monday.
Nothing much done today, other than the annual parade tradition of my country - about the 'No' we said to the Italians.
Slept a lot, that's a difference I've seen recently. But I'm alright
•Oct 31st 2024:
It's 5:37PM, finished school.. Not much to do.
I don't really feel like editing anything today,
so I'll see if I can edit a video tomorrow.
It was a stressful day, regardless.
•Today's Thursday.
I'll watch a couple of episodes of some shows, and sleep.
•Nov 3rd 2024:
Yesterday and today, I was not 100% on myself.
Like I had placed my guard down, and I disappointed myself.
In many ways..
I did though edit a video!
•Today's Sunday.
I gotta relax a bit, before I go to sleep.
•Nov 8th 2024:
Yesterday and today, I was thinking of a best frind of mine.
A 'girl' best friend of mine, who has been in rough times.
I got to talk to her yesterday morning, and hugged her then sent her on her mary way.
Would be the only thing to really say, but I know how she is and feels.
She has made academics a stressful distraction of her 'connection' trouble with her ex.
And- I get that! Me and her? We are similar in many ways, except that when I got heartbroken.
I eventually accepted it and moved on, saying "Maybe she wasn't the person meant for me".
I worked out, read, learned things. I became handy in a lot of stuff, and fought for my happiness.
In many ways.. I feel bad, for her. Because the guy she was with - he didn't deserve her love.
She knew what love really depends on, while she let him be himself.
He lied, took advantage of her, cheated on her, emotionally-abused and guilt-trapped her for so long.
I may care about her too much, but I know that she just took a bad turn. And now she delusions herself with studies.
•Today's Friday.
Weekend won't be as relaxing as I'd hope..
•Nov 15th 2024:
I have started eating more naturally, less added sugar and etc.
Today, I had gone to the local book store. There really weren't any good books though.
Other than the ordinary 'best sellers' and Stephen King's, there were only 'feminine' books.
There were some books which were really new, seemed very sweet and cute at first..
Before they would throw a boomerang.
LIKE- "Maria just received her mother's cafe from her will, and so she found her new outlet to let her true self MERGE. Not until she finds a cute guy, who eventually became her daily customer. They get to know each other more and more every day they see each other. And then, Mark finds out Maria's deepest secret... Maria being a WITCH"-
"COME OOON" I would say inside of me, IT WAS GOING SO GREAT-.
•Today's Friday.
Weekend will be quite busy I believe.
•Nov 21st 2024:
Yesterday I got to take a break from school, which I then regreted—because I felt the need to exercise.
So I did pushups, crunches and squats, after that I went out for a run.
Though, today I haven't really done anything exciting.
•Today's Thursday.
My birthday's coming up soon.. That'll be fun.
•Nov 30th 2024:
I got to relax, got to taste some extra sugar and also had fun with my group.
I played with George, 'It takes Two' and the start of 'Fears to Fathom: Woodbury Getaway'.
•Today's Saturday.
The cake—I didn't ask for—was really tasty.
So it was alright, and sweet.
•Dec 26th 2024:
I've been doing a few stuff at the side, plus a pretty heavy project.
A Short-Film project, to be more specific.
From an actual Festival too, and the title for it.. "The Wanderer"
•Today's Thursday.
I am planning on recording scenes, though I also got to edit the X-mas special.
•Mar 2nd 2025:
New year
HEYO, back again! So, what's the news?
A new GREEK Channel on YT, an SMP series and on my ENGLISH Channel (main) an UPCOMING SERIES STREAM!
Obviously, when something drastic and trendy comes up- I will get on it. But for now, only to wait.
•Today's Sunday.
I am planning on recording another episode of the SMP, though I also got to edit a Horror video as well.